Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Globalisation equals Westernisation. Agree or disagree?

Troyi Yeung

I totally disagree about that! As everyone knows globalisation means when available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world. It is talking about influences in all parts of the world, but not only from Western countries. There are a few reasons to support my view.

In many Western countries, they have different foods from different countries. Chinese and Japanese food are the most common and popular ones. Spaghetti nowadays is a copy of noodles. We can see Chinese or Japanese styles of temples in New Zealand, that attract different visitors because people will get curious to know about temples in western design. When you buy food or clothes from Western countries, you will find out that most of them come from China, especially the raw materials in the toys. Besides, western people are having rice for their meals or using chopsticks in their daily lives.

What I’m trying to tell is the influence of globalisation is not only taking part in China. There are a lot of things that Western Countries have to learn from China or need from China, for example, special animal species like snakes, crocodiles, pandas…etc. In conclusion, I think globalisation is not equal to westernisation!


  1. Hi Troyi! I'm David (not the teacher), a Spanish student who was in the Language Centre last term but recently came back to Europe.
    I love having a look to the new entries of the blog, especially because some of them are written by people who were not only my classmates but also very good friends.By the way, I'm just curious, where are you from?

    Talking about your text, as I told to Masayuki, I agree with you when distinguishing between Westernization and Globalisation, because I think Globalisation is the root, whereas Westernisation is just a branch of it.
    I addition, I really like how you have approached to the question when using China as an example to make clear the definition of Gloabalisation!!
    Thanks for your article!!

  2. i'm from hong kong and thanks for your comment.

  3. i agree with you!
    globalization is not only westernization but also many countries relating it!

  4. that's true.. as u said, euro ppl use chop sticks, chinese building was built in foreign..
    it is absolutely culture exchanging.
    globalization means that, doesn't it?
