Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change" - Carl Rogers

Abdullah Kelantan

There is another example which says "Don't give me a fish, but teach me how to fish". The quotation above illustrates this thought, therefore I found it very illuminating.
To explain the example about the fish, the person who said those words is trying to say don't give me a ready-made concept, but teach me how to innovate and so find new ideas.
In my opinion, there are two kinds of learners. Firstly, the innovator, which is a process when the person dedicates himself to absorb information and ideas from different sources and to develop these ideas. However, the second kind is the copier, Which is a process when the person just absorbs the information and ideas from different sources and does exactly the same.
I believe that they are both educated, but one is more educated than the other.
I think that a person who can just copy what he has learned is a talented or skilled person but not really educated.  However, the person who can invent new ideas  or develop old ideas is a creative thinker and more knowledgeable. For instance, he adopts an old idea or what I call "the basic idea" , and then he tries to develop and evolve that idea.
Furthermore, I think a creative thinker is more valuable and beneficial for his society than a person who just can copy.

Some scientists and professors have developed a concept or an idea that has been discovered by ancient civilizations such as the Greek, the ancient Egyptian, or the ancient Chinese. Those scientists or professors inspire and motivate me to be a creative thinker not just a copier


  1. Nice Journal, I like the Saying about the fish, as I think it is very true, or better it is important and good to ask like that!

  2. Interesting! I think education is just a way to be or understand something you want and I want say it is the ways of creating something new.
