Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you wish to provide peace, provide peace for another. --The Dalai Lama

Ahmed Al Salmi

We live in this big world with different cultures and different kinds of ideas, so sometimes some people try to enforce their culture on every place in this world. This kind of thinking lets wars start and makes the world in a bad way. What things should we do to keep the world in peace?

To answer that question lets go across the meaning of 'help' in the dictionary. 'Help' is to do something for somebody in order to be useful or to make a person’s work easier, so from that meaning we can understand that if we help anyone we will give him an easy way to do his work and that makes life easy for all people when everyone helps others who need help. From helping people we can provide peace, but if we see our world nowadays we will see that some countries start wars for simple reasons and that thing kills a lot of people, so you can’t see any peace. However if wars are switched with helping other people with the things that they need the world will be better and there will be peace.

Moreover we can see that the peace doesn't come without giving help when needed. For example when any country has a disaster most countries give it  help by giving it  medicine and food. In this situation the world will live in the perfect way that everyone dreams about .From all that lets help people to grow peace in our world.

We can see the tsunami for example when it happened in Samoa, New Zealand gave Samoa's people help and sent some doctors and firemen there to help rescue people.

Finally I hope all people will provide peace by helping each other and move away from the malicious. That would make the world a big fantastic family. 

1 comment:

  1. If you want to live in a peace, read Ahmed's journal. Interesting journal, brother.
