Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future?

Naoko Miyoshi

Almost all people are hoping for a future which is more convenient, comfortable, and peaceful than the present. These are human wishes.
When I was a child, I thought that robots which could do everything (for example, housework, conversation, and so on) would be invented soon, and I would live with them. Moreover, I thought that new types of transportation such as cars that could fly or something like that would be developed.
Unfortunately, that kind of robots hasn't been invented yet and cars aren't flying either.
I think people tend to think only about good points of the future but I think we have to think about bad points or some points which we have to solve. Now there are a lot of problems we have which are environmental, for example, global warming.
The temperature of the earth is getting warmer and warmer nowadays, about 2 or 3 degrees per year.
If we can't stop global-warming in the future, we are just following the way to death.
So, in my opinion, our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future, that is true, but we have to look at our serious problems before we hope or imagine something.       


  1. great article and i agree with it,however, i think if you changed global warming with pollution it would have been better for not everyone is suffering from global warming for example the arab we are actually having colder weathers in winter almost each year and even it SNOWED in some mountains
    furthermore, global warming has two different stories the other one suggests that its just part of the earth cycle and it has happened before

  2. Beautiful article Naoko and I promise you you will live with robots one day. Maybe we will date robots in the future who knows :D

  3. Exactly!! Whenever we imagine the future world, we cosider it as more developed or progressed things than now. That's true because actually many technologies have advanced so far. But, as you stated, also we should think about disadvantages or bad affection to our lives.
