Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. -- Thoreau

Sharifa Al Balushi

Truth is a small word with just five letters but it has a great meaning. Truth is a gate for love, pleasure and happiness. The world will be dark and the people's behavior will be bad without truth.
If any one asks you a question about anything, absolutely he's waiting you the truth. Maybe sometimes the truth makes you unhappy but it's enough to feel comfortable. If you lie, you will feel that you are making some big mistake. We're humans and it's normal to make mistakes but the big mistake is to continue to lie and make more mistakes.
Some people usually think that others need money or fame but they never think that they need the truth. There are many things spread in our society like money and fame but we're losing the truth. It doesn't mean that there aren't any honest but the number of them is lower. People who want to get money lie in order to get it, people who want to get fame lie too and people who search for love lie too. Now the lie has become relevant and the shortest way to reach to our purposes. 
We made society like that and, absolutely, we can change it. We have to clean our society of dishonesty. The shortest way to do that is to learn how to tell the truth in any situation. How can we expect our children to be honest if we aren't?. We have to start to teach ourselves and then move to advise others. If everyone starts with himself, our society will change immediately,
Last but not the least, truth is a great gift nobody can get except those who absorb its meaning. I want to say rather than love, than money, than fame give me truth. 


  1. yes i agree with you we must learn how to tell the truth.

  2. Oh you wrote about the same topic as me!
    I think our opinions are quite fifferent,
    but I like your opinion.

  3. great article in full agreement with you

  4. Truth is a gate of love , happiness and pleasure. I liked that althoug we sometimes lie to get these things. Nice article.

  5. Truth is really important things for lives. I think it is basis on all things we do. So we must not avoid telling the truth:D

  6. I agree with you a bout our needs from the truth,but I don't think we can affect on some people when we tell the truth, because some of the people use the lie to earn money to live ...
    and also people lie to lough and to make excuses....

  7. Truth is important for everyone. But on the other hand to be an honest people is not easy. Because you can not lie ever. Sometimes people lied, maybe just want to ptotect something or they just don't want to tell others.

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  9. This might single-handedly be the most retarded piece of shit ive ever read
