Thursday, October 8, 2009

To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle. --George Orwell

Jakob Haferland

Everyone wants to know the truth, at least for some areas of one's life, whether it is in religion, chances, missed opportunities, one's own potential or love.    

Sometimes truth is hard to find, we're looking for it, but we can't find it. Sometimes it is hidden under all that trash that is floating through our life, and we can't see it until someone points it out to us. Sometimes the truth is right in front of our nose but we can hardly see it. That's the way I understand George Orwell's statement. We are so influenced by the things around us, which distract us from seeing the truth. Maybe it's like wearing the wrong pair of glasses, so that our vision is blurrede, or maybe like wearing colored glasses that make us see everything colored the same way. Maybe we are all kind of colorblind to the truth.

But what puts the glasses on our nose, what makes us colorblind? Is it the media, the propaganda, that crams us up with more and more stuff every day, half true and unnecessary, badly researched and prereleased? Or is it the people that try to sell us anything, twisting and expanding the truth until you can hardly see it, and without any scruple, in order to make more and more profit?

If those are the reasons that blur our sight, it is no wonder that it is hard to fight for the truth. These powers just seem to be to mighty to overcome: "It must be true, they just said it on TV". What do you want to say against that unless you have proven the opposite, the news has been already around the world and the damage is done. Yet the true answer is obvious however we prefer to believe someone else instead of using our own brains. This is because it is so much easier just to adopt the norm and to think what everyone thinks, even if it is wrong. You will find resistance if you get off the beaten track. That's what the daily struggle is all about, to resist the (unconscious) lies of the masses. 


  1. Also i think you should fight to find the truth.
    We have to do the best to find it..

  2. ohhh it was quite difficult for me to read this topic actually;
    but I think I have to think about it!

  3. That's true. We tend to make the information which we hear from somebody or TV justified as a true, even if we can't prove that is true.
    We need truth but searching truth is difficult for us.

  4. It's really powerfull writing Jakob. Nowdays if we find a strange man and talk to him if he say something we will feel some doubt about what he is saying !!!
    That because when when the truth is hidden we cant trust in every one....

  5. What you say is true, but sometimes we can't help it because the media is controlled by the government or the political party. they are much more powerful than the civil.
